Finding Your Inner Fashion Plate



Susan Boyle singing the song heard round the world
Susan Boyle singing the song heard round the world.

This video of Susan Boyle singing the song I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables is incredibly moving. I would embed it, but I just can’t figure out how so PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK.  What a perfect song to choose if you want to make the point Ms. Boyle made. She is my new hero.

Yet, it is also profoundly troubling as well in an achey breaky heart kind of way. Somehow, it was assumed by the three judges and the ENTIRE audience Ms. Boyle was some sort of a joke.The implication was complete disdain. The cameras panned the audience and the facial expressions of those present can only be summed up as cruel. If indeed she had turned out to be awful, what could possibly justify subjecting her to a public humiliation of such magnitude? I know, I know, American Idol routinely spotlights the most hideous contestants imaginable. Yet, they seem to want the distinction of being the worst talent in order to make onto the initial episodes. I really hate American Idol.

But this clip is amazing. After watching it a couple of times I thought, Susan Boyle is really fetching. And, not only that, she kind of reminded me of THIS FASHION PLATE.

Find your inner fashion plate - Susan Boyle did
Find your inner fashion plate - Susan Boyle did


There’s a fashion plate inside of everyone. Especially hidden talent like Susan Boyle. 

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